Thursday, March 13 週四
Make sure you wear something green to The Brass Monkey's St. Pat's Ladies Night!
With special Irish Dancing Performance by The Taiwan Celts!
Ladies get free green cocktails till midnight
去年的照片 Last year's St. Pat's Ladies Night Photos:
Album 1, Album 2
****** Free shot at the door before 10pm if: *******
****** 符合以下條件者可在晚間10點前在入口享用免費一口酒喔: ******
1. You are Irish! 你是愛爾蘭人
2. You have green underwear 你穿綠色的內衣褲
3. You have green hair 你有一頭綠髮
4. It's your birthday 你是本日壽星!